Thanks first and foremost to the person who wrote to me about Baby Trolleys, a little update on that one ... some of the supermarkets round here have started to introduce these trolleys where you can fit your car seat to them. They are really really good, but the only downside to them is that little Niamh wobbles around in them so much when you aren't going over a smooth surface ... they need to invent a baby trolley, something with a little bed in it or something that would be awesome, oh and why not add an xbox 360 in there for me too!
Well colic is still here, and still bad! But its strange because Niamh has developed a pattern with it, about 8pm every evening she'll scream blue murder, then sleep at about 10, then awake at 11 and scream again until 3am ... fun fun fun!! We've tried everything, so today she has an appointment with a cranial osteopath which is meant to help, I'll let you know what happens tomorrow.
At the time of writing this both sets of our parents are away on holiday which is rubbish! We actually feel quite lonely as we were used to seeing them regularly since Niamh has arrived into this world, only one more week to go and we'll see them all again which will be nice!
Oh and finally, Niamh has started smiling properly in response to things that we are doing, so cue two photographs the first is a smile ...

And the second image is possibly the single greatest photograph of Niamh ever!

What you lookin' at!?
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