Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Any Day Now

Well hello world, I'm Paul - a 28 year old from Leicester, who is currently awaiting the arrival of his first son or daughter. I'll go into a bit of detail about myself, but honestly it isn't an ego trip.

I have been with my fiance Gemma for about 4 years now, and we have been trying for children for 1 1/2 of them. Unfortunately we have had a couple of bad experiences, one with an early miscarriage and one ectopic which was a bit nasty to say the least - but these days im shacked up with a girlfriend who is getting more and more fed up as the days go by!

The reason being is that Gem is currently 3 days overdue, and has been in latent labour for around 3 weeks!

"Oh its quite normal", the doctors and midwifes all say
"Get it out!", Gemma politely replies!

So yeah, as you can see this is a frought time at the momnet, but nevertheless its pretty exciting.

This is my blog / diary where I will let everyone in the world know what is going on, on a day by day basis - into my first year of being a dad!

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