Thursday, 28 June 2007
Its All Gone Country!
Well last night I had my first night out after the birth of Niamh, and I went to a local bar to meet up with 6 other people that are going to form a new country & western covers band. I must admit it was strange leaving Gem and Niamh, but I had a great time and next week we are going to rehearse for the first time!
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Mum & Dad Time
Now that Niamh has settled again, Gem and Myself got a little time together - so what did we do? No - not that you dirty people! We played Monster Madness Battle For Suburbia on the 360, call us sad, call us what you like - but it was bloody good fun - until we ran across the Granny with the Cat Shield enemy ... if anybody can offer us some tips it would be great cos we suck!

Monday, 25 June 2007
Happy Families (So Far)
Well, so far tonight has gone without a hitch! We picked up some Cow & Gate Comfort Milk to top Niamh up with (for when she isn't being breastfed), and laced it with Colief and at the moment she is asleep on the sofa with Gem looking very happy!
We did take Niamh back to the doctors again today, as she had another huge bout of crying and flailing limbs. Unfortunately the Doctor couldn't really give her anything as her stomach is not too distended ... and she told us everything we are doing is right! Which are always nice words to hear!
Anyways, I'll round this post off with a nice picture of Niamh! :)
Here she is watching television ... unfortunately she's getting into bad habits and watching Big Brother along with Gem ;)
We did take Niamh back to the doctors again today, as she had another huge bout of crying and flailing limbs. Unfortunately the Doctor couldn't really give her anything as her stomach is not too distended ... and she told us everything we are doing is right! Which are always nice words to hear!
Anyways, I'll round this post off with a nice picture of Niamh! :)

Sunday, 24 June 2007
I can not extol the virtues of this product enough! I tried this with Niamh today upon recommendation from my sister and within 10-15 minutes Niamh had calmed right down and even went to the loo (don't know if I mentioned she was severely constipated too) ... whoever invented this piece of genius is a ... genius!
Niamh is currently asleep and things seem to be back to normal ... for now!
Niamh is currently asleep and things seem to be back to normal ... for now!
It was about 11pm when Gemma and I decided that we needed to call the doctors, as Niamh wasn't settling and was crying at the top of her lungs for at least 3 hours straight! Not Good!
We were told we'd need to go to the Royal Infirmary (Local Hospital) so she could be examined - so we arrived and Niamh was poked and prodded (in some places where the sun doesn't shine). Gem was really upset through the whole thing and had a good cry in the doctors office, as its not nice to see your little baby upset!
We were then told we'd need to go to the childrens ward so she could be monitored, we were seen by a total of 3 different people - each of them asked the same questions. Finally a registrar arrived and he said it could be either acid reflux or colic (dur, thats what we said originally) ... but that they need to keep her (and us) in for another 5-6 hours while they took blood and inserted a catheter to check her pee.
Not happening! Niamh had finally gone to sleep, we were told it would be a quick visit so we didn't pack any more than a couple of nappies (which were used because every doctor and nurse asked us to remove them). So we decided we would discharge us and Niamh from the hospital.
We got home at 3:30am and Niamh stayed asleep pretty much until 10:30am which we were very pleased about ... and this morning she hasn't been nearly as bad as she was yesterday. The docs did give us some infant gaviscon, which may help ... we will see!
We were told we'd need to go to the Royal Infirmary (Local Hospital) so she could be examined - so we arrived and Niamh was poked and prodded (in some places where the sun doesn't shine). Gem was really upset through the whole thing and had a good cry in the doctors office, as its not nice to see your little baby upset!
We were then told we'd need to go to the childrens ward so she could be monitored, we were seen by a total of 3 different people - each of them asked the same questions. Finally a registrar arrived and he said it could be either acid reflux or colic (dur, thats what we said originally) ... but that they need to keep her (and us) in for another 5-6 hours while they took blood and inserted a catheter to check her pee.
Not happening! Niamh had finally gone to sleep, we were told it would be a quick visit so we didn't pack any more than a couple of nappies (which were used because every doctor and nurse asked us to remove them). So we decided we would discharge us and Niamh from the hospital.
We got home at 3:30am and Niamh stayed asleep pretty much until 10:30am which we were very pleased about ... and this morning she hasn't been nearly as bad as she was yesterday. The docs did give us some infant gaviscon, which may help ... we will see!
Saturday, 23 June 2007
Ok I Lied
The colic definately isn't going! At the moment im sitting here and have just tried to console Niamh through 2 1/2 hours of crying ... something is definately upsetting her tummy as she keeps raising her knees and clenching her fists ... the weird thing is that she hasn't got wind or anything like that - so im guessing that its just tummy ache or something similar. She isn't running a fever or being sick so its nothing to worry about ... much
The other side of the coin is that when you have kids you have this strange idea that during the day & evening she is going to be a little bundle of joy ... that certainly isn't the case if your baby develops colic ... far from it!
If anybody has had a baby who had colic ... pass on some tips maybe, we could use them, before we tear our hair out! ;)
The other side of the coin is that when you have kids you have this strange idea that during the day & evening she is going to be a little bundle of joy ... that certainly isn't the case if your baby develops colic ... far from it!
If anybody has had a baby who had colic ... pass on some tips maybe, we could use them, before we tear our hair out! ;)
Its going
Hello again, just a quick post this time to say that the colic is definately in decline thanks to Dentinox ... couldn't recommend that product enough I tells ya!
Friday, 22 June 2007
Its only ever something that I've heard about, but it turns out that Niamh has Colic, this is a rough explanation of what it is ...
"Between 10 and 15 per cent of all children get colic. Doctors don't know precisely what triggers the condition. There are several theories, but doctors aren't agreed on a single cause or even on a course of treatment.
The most popular theory is that the child’s intestines are working too hard, which causes them to get a sort of cramp.
However, some doctors believe that colic arises because the child's bowel movements may be too slow, so that air in the bowel makes the intestines expand, causing the pain.
Others believe that colic has something to do with eating too fast, eating too much, or swallowing too much air without burping. There is also a theory that there is a link between colic and whether or not the mother drinks cows' milk. "
Taken from
Basically this means that when Niamh is awake, she cries because something obviously isn't right - now most of the people we've spoken to say to try Dentinox, and so we have some - and last night was the best nights sleep we've had since she has been around! Anyways, just thought I would post about this ... its not fun!
"Between 10 and 15 per cent of all children get colic. Doctors don't know precisely what triggers the condition. There are several theories, but doctors aren't agreed on a single cause or even on a course of treatment.
The most popular theory is that the child’s intestines are working too hard, which causes them to get a sort of cramp.
However, some doctors believe that colic arises because the child's bowel movements may be too slow, so that air in the bowel makes the intestines expand, causing the pain.
Others believe that colic has something to do with eating too fast, eating too much, or swallowing too much air without burping. There is also a theory that there is a link between colic and whether or not the mother drinks cows' milk. "
Taken from
Basically this means that when Niamh is awake, she cries because something obviously isn't right - now most of the people we've spoken to say to try Dentinox, and so we have some - and last night was the best nights sleep we've had since she has been around! Anyways, just thought I would post about this ... its not fun!
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Well, last night was the worst one yet. We have been quite lucky so far with Niamh only waking up at 4am, and then sleeping until 8am.
Last night, however, she woke at 2,4,5,6 and then finally again at 8am. We think she might have an upset stomach. Even though we're both tired we wouldn't change it for the world!
Here's a picture of Niamh and her cousin Emily ... think this is really cute!
Last night, however, she woke at 2,4,5,6 and then finally again at 8am. We think she might have an upset stomach. Even though we're both tired we wouldn't change it for the world!
Monday, 18 June 2007
Its The Weigh In
Well today was the second time Niamh was weighed since her birth. On the first weigh in she totalled 7lbs 3oz... today she weighed in at 7lbs 14oz! Rock On!
Its seem strange that putting on 11oz would cripple most normal people, well those obsessed with their weight at any rate. I wonder if there is such a thing as baby diet videos, im guessing there would be ... lemme guess ... in America!?
Its seem strange that putting on 11oz would cripple most normal people, well those obsessed with their weight at any rate. I wonder if there is such a thing as baby diet videos, im guessing there would be ... lemme guess ... in America!?
Sunday, 17 June 2007
Parent & Child Parking Spaces
Now, im not usually the type that moans (much), but today something really got to me! We pulled in at a local supermarket to pick up a card for my dad (fathers day) and there was only once space left in the Parent & Child section of the parking lot.
So we drive down to it, and get ready to unload Niamh and carry her in the car seat ... when a bunch of chav twats decide to pull in and park their car in the worst way I have ever seen.
Did they have a baby or child? Nope!
This really really really annoys me! It seems there are a breed of people out there who honestly believe that they can do what they want, when they want and fuck anybody else who gets in their way! Its selfish, and I can only hope that these people are the same who's last words before they die will be ...
"You can't die doing this can you?"
So we drive down to it, and get ready to unload Niamh and carry her in the car seat ... when a bunch of chav twats decide to pull in and park their car in the worst way I have ever seen.
Did they have a baby or child? Nope!
This really really really annoys me! It seems there are a breed of people out there who honestly believe that they can do what they want, when they want and fuck anybody else who gets in their way! Its selfish, and I can only hope that these people are the same who's last words before they die will be ...
"You can't die doing this can you?"
Saturday, 16 June 2007
Babies & Doctor Who!
The Master is back! Oh Yes! Rock On!
Is it OK for a dad to be into Dr Who!? I think so! And a 3 part episode too! Awesome!
Just had to share my excitement! Back to calming Niamh down now!
Is it OK for a dad to be into Dr Who!? I think so! And a 3 part episode too! Awesome!
Just had to share my excitement! Back to calming Niamh down now!
Baby Trolleys
My god! Who would have thought that having a newborn baby would be so bloody difficult to getting a trolley which actually supports them and doesn't leave their neck dangling like a piece of old meat!?
Ok here's my breakdown at the moment ... this will probably be ongoing, maybe not!
Tesco is our local store so it was our first port of call when we decided to do our first big shop after coming home with Niamh. However, the trolleys there are absolutely shite! The seats in them are far too big, and Niamh just dangles in them and looks uncomfortable! Needless to say we didn't bother going in after all the trouble of trying to find a trolley which didn't suck ass! Also another fine point is that the Tesco's near us (Wigston) does not have any trolleys to which you can secure a baby car seat! Ah well guess we're not going there again!
Now call me posh and elitist if you want, but I like Sainsburys. Its simple, hassle free and 100% chav and twat free so by choice I would go to sainsburys. Its like a haven for people without a love for burberry and elizabeth duke jewellry! Sainsburys has the best baby seat trolleys we have found so far, Niamh sat in them quite snug and happy (with a little help from a blanket) and all was well!
Asda is the hellhole of all shopping experiences. Chavs, Twats and Bellends seem to congregate in large numbers, and unruly brats rule the aisles without giving a blind fuck about who is coming up behind them. Aaaarrrrghhhh I hate Asda!
Rant over for the day!
Ok here's my breakdown at the moment ... this will probably be ongoing, maybe not!
Tesco is our local store so it was our first port of call when we decided to do our first big shop after coming home with Niamh. However, the trolleys there are absolutely shite! The seats in them are far too big, and Niamh just dangles in them and looks uncomfortable! Needless to say we didn't bother going in after all the trouble of trying to find a trolley which didn't suck ass! Also another fine point is that the Tesco's near us (Wigston) does not have any trolleys to which you can secure a baby car seat! Ah well guess we're not going there again!
Now call me posh and elitist if you want, but I like Sainsburys. Its simple, hassle free and 100% chav and twat free so by choice I would go to sainsburys. Its like a haven for people without a love for burberry and elizabeth duke jewellry! Sainsburys has the best baby seat trolleys we have found so far, Niamh sat in them quite snug and happy (with a little help from a blanket) and all was well!
Asda is the hellhole of all shopping experiences. Chavs, Twats and Bellends seem to congregate in large numbers, and unruly brats rule the aisles without giving a blind fuck about who is coming up behind them. Aaaarrrrghhhh I hate Asda!
Rant over for the day!
Friday, 15 June 2007
Who would have thought that having a baby around would be so time consuming?
Anyways, at the moment all is going well. Niamh has undergone the parental horror that is the Guthrie test (aka Drive By Slashing) and all seems to be well, and currently we are surrounded by hordes and hordes of mustard filled nappies! I would like to take this time to point out that I am crap at changing nappies ... one unexpected wriggle and its game over for me! GEM!
Gem is doing fantastic at breast feeding, its amazing really to see how a womans body works! It is an utter piece of genius, makes us men look shite!
One strange thing however, is that when we bathed Niamh for the first time we noticed little lumps underneath each of her nipples. A quick search on the web told us that these are 100% normal and are in fact breast tissue that is already beginning to grow.
It turns out that as Niamh was in the final stages of the pregnancy, she was shot up with a load of oestrogen and her body underwent the changes that are required to be a lady! The even stranger thing is that these little bumps can produce milk!!!! Baby girls that breast feed can produce milk from their nipples which is known as Witches Milk!
Sounds like a Red Hot Chili Peppers album to me!
Anyways, cue cute photograph of Niamh in a towel!
Anyways, at the moment all is going well. Niamh has undergone the parental horror that is the Guthrie test (aka Drive By Slashing) and all seems to be well, and currently we are surrounded by hordes and hordes of mustard filled nappies! I would like to take this time to point out that I am crap at changing nappies ... one unexpected wriggle and its game over for me! GEM!
Gem is doing fantastic at breast feeding, its amazing really to see how a womans body works! It is an utter piece of genius, makes us men look shite!
One strange thing however, is that when we bathed Niamh for the first time we noticed little lumps underneath each of her nipples. A quick search on the web told us that these are 100% normal and are in fact breast tissue that is already beginning to grow.
It turns out that as Niamh was in the final stages of the pregnancy, she was shot up with a load of oestrogen and her body underwent the changes that are required to be a lady! The even stranger thing is that these little bumps can produce milk!!!! Baby girls that breast feed can produce milk from their nipples which is known as Witches Milk!
Sounds like a Red Hot Chili Peppers album to me!
Anyways, cue cute photograph of Niamh in a towel!

Sunday, 10 June 2007
Its Official!
"Dad, I think we need to head to the hospital", were the words uttered at 4am on Wednesday 6th June.
"Are you sure? Ok I'm On My Way"
For the past couple of weeks, Gemma and myself have been to the hospital three times as Gem is in what is known as 'latent labour'. However, Gemma woke at 3am on the 6th June with severe contractions which were nothing like what she had gone through before.
Of course being the ever sensitive male that I am, I simply thought we were going to the hospital for a checkup again. How wrong I was ...
We were whisked into the labour suite, and Gem had to sit through the most severe contractions I had ever seen her go through - the pain was pretty astronomical - but because she is a super-woman Gem coped, with a little help from my expert massage hands! Luckily enough there was a television on the ward which helped to take our mind off what was happening - but ... and I use this term politely ... a couple across the way asked to turn it off as they were busy reading!
Now don't get me wrong, I love reading. But if somebody is opposite you going through extreme contractions, and you are sitting there because you have elected to have a caesarian section (aka too posh to push) you have no right. I told the guy that we were watching the tv, but he turned it off anyway. Asswipe!
At 12pm we were taken into a delivery suite for the epidural procedure, and a canula and the epidural were fitted at the same time. Again, the contractions were coming thick and fast now, but within 10-15 minutes of the epidural being administered, the pain was gone! I sat watching the machine and told Gem when she was having a contraction ...
"Blimey, that one was huge!"
"I Know", said Gem
"Did You Feel It?" I asked
It was around this point that one of the first classic lines of the birth emerged. Gem uttered the greatness that was ...
"Whoever invented the epidural - get him in here because I want to shake his hand!"
At this point Gems mum arrived and I nipped out for a quick cigarette and to telephone my parents to tell them what was happening. I smoked as quick as I could and dashed back into the delivery suite to see what was happening.
During the time that Gem had the epidural she had dilated to almost full capacity and we were told that she can push if she wants ... now this is where things get a bit blurry, so bear with me here!
The next bit I can remember is looking at the foetal heart monitor and worrying my socks off as the babys' heart rate had dropped to around 90bpm, when it was originally 140bpm+. They quickly brought the doctor in as I remember and he advised they were going to use a 'Vonteouse Cap'. Again I was nervous and scared, and the midwifes wheeled in what could only be described as a plunger attached to a dyson!
Another great line from Gem now ...
'If you can get that up there, then I can get this baby out!"
Within 15 minutes of them using the posh vaccum cleaner the doctor whisked out a fragile little body and held it in front of us ... A LITTLE GIRL! Gem had secretly been hoping for a little girl all along and she had got her wish ... we both just looked at her and cried!
Ok emotional stuff aside, and some funny bits to follow!
When they gave us this little girl back to us after a brisk clean up operation. I leant down and kissed her head and managed to inhale a bit of whatever was inside Gemma. So at our most memorable moment I was there, gagging and trying to not look like I was going to be sick!
And so therein lies the tale of the birth of our first daugher ... Niamh Louise Keene!
Aint she a belter!
"Are you sure? Ok I'm On My Way"
For the past couple of weeks, Gemma and myself have been to the hospital three times as Gem is in what is known as 'latent labour'. However, Gemma woke at 3am on the 6th June with severe contractions which were nothing like what she had gone through before.
Of course being the ever sensitive male that I am, I simply thought we were going to the hospital for a checkup again. How wrong I was ...
We were whisked into the labour suite, and Gem had to sit through the most severe contractions I had ever seen her go through - the pain was pretty astronomical - but because she is a super-woman Gem coped, with a little help from my expert massage hands! Luckily enough there was a television on the ward which helped to take our mind off what was happening - but ... and I use this term politely ... a couple across the way asked to turn it off as they were busy reading!
Now don't get me wrong, I love reading. But if somebody is opposite you going through extreme contractions, and you are sitting there because you have elected to have a caesarian section (aka too posh to push) you have no right. I told the guy that we were watching the tv, but he turned it off anyway. Asswipe!
At 12pm we were taken into a delivery suite for the epidural procedure, and a canula and the epidural were fitted at the same time. Again, the contractions were coming thick and fast now, but within 10-15 minutes of the epidural being administered, the pain was gone! I sat watching the machine and told Gem when she was having a contraction ...
"Blimey, that one was huge!"
"I Know", said Gem
"Did You Feel It?" I asked
It was around this point that one of the first classic lines of the birth emerged. Gem uttered the greatness that was ...
"Whoever invented the epidural - get him in here because I want to shake his hand!"
At this point Gems mum arrived and I nipped out for a quick cigarette and to telephone my parents to tell them what was happening. I smoked as quick as I could and dashed back into the delivery suite to see what was happening.
During the time that Gem had the epidural she had dilated to almost full capacity and we were told that she can push if she wants ... now this is where things get a bit blurry, so bear with me here!
The next bit I can remember is looking at the foetal heart monitor and worrying my socks off as the babys' heart rate had dropped to around 90bpm, when it was originally 140bpm+. They quickly brought the doctor in as I remember and he advised they were going to use a 'Vonteouse Cap'. Again I was nervous and scared, and the midwifes wheeled in what could only be described as a plunger attached to a dyson!
Another great line from Gem now ...
'If you can get that up there, then I can get this baby out!"
Within 15 minutes of them using the posh vaccum cleaner the doctor whisked out a fragile little body and held it in front of us ... A LITTLE GIRL! Gem had secretly been hoping for a little girl all along and she had got her wish ... we both just looked at her and cried!
Ok emotional stuff aside, and some funny bits to follow!
When they gave us this little girl back to us after a brisk clean up operation. I leant down and kissed her head and managed to inhale a bit of whatever was inside Gemma. So at our most memorable moment I was there, gagging and trying to not look like I was going to be sick!
And so therein lies the tale of the birth of our first daugher ... Niamh Louise Keene!
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
Any Day Now
Well hello world, I'm Paul - a 28 year old from Leicester, who is currently awaiting the arrival of his first son or daughter. I'll go into a bit of detail about myself, but honestly it isn't an ego trip.
I have been with my fiance Gemma for about 4 years now, and we have been trying for children for 1 1/2 of them. Unfortunately we have had a couple of bad experiences, one with an early miscarriage and one ectopic which was a bit nasty to say the least - but these days im shacked up with a girlfriend who is getting more and more fed up as the days go by!
The reason being is that Gem is currently 3 days overdue, and has been in latent labour for around 3 weeks!
"Oh its quite normal", the doctors and midwifes all say
"Get it out!", Gemma politely replies!
So yeah, as you can see this is a frought time at the momnet, but nevertheless its pretty exciting.
This is my blog / diary where I will let everyone in the world know what is going on, on a day by day basis - into my first year of being a dad!
I have been with my fiance Gemma for about 4 years now, and we have been trying for children for 1 1/2 of them. Unfortunately we have had a couple of bad experiences, one with an early miscarriage and one ectopic which was a bit nasty to say the least - but these days im shacked up with a girlfriend who is getting more and more fed up as the days go by!
The reason being is that Gem is currently 3 days overdue, and has been in latent labour for around 3 weeks!
"Oh its quite normal", the doctors and midwifes all say
"Get it out!", Gemma politely replies!
So yeah, as you can see this is a frought time at the momnet, but nevertheless its pretty exciting.
This is my blog / diary where I will let everyone in the world know what is going on, on a day by day basis - into my first year of being a dad!
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